New Members

Welcome to Ham radio in the Big Bend area. This page is for anyone interested in ham radio or joining the club.

Ham radio exploration can begin with the Amateur Radio Relay League. The BBARC is an affiliated club, and most of our members are ARRL members. The ARRL has license manuals, and their VEC program runs the exams. The BBARC has a VEC. ARRL West TX section.

If you wish to join the BBARC, we have a New Member form to print, fill out, and mail with dues to the BBARC mailing address. Pay by PayPal or send a check payable to the BBARC for $36 to the address below. You can also attend one of our meetings and pay in person. BBARC dues are paid annually in Jaunary.

1402 N 5th St
Alpine TX 79830-2512

The BBARC does not handle ARRL membership and renewals. Print the ARRL Membership Renewal form, fill it out, and mail with a check to the ARRL.

Club membership does not requires an FCC license, but the ARRL does. If you just took the Technician exam, wait for your call sign to post on the FCC ULS database and then submit the club membership form. ARRL membership provides for discounts when purchasing books, and they offer specials on their website.

If you have any questions, contact the club secretary on the “About Us” page.

How to Get Started in the BBARC

The club members live mostly in Brewster, Pecos, Jeff Davis, and Presidio Counties. The club maintains seven 2m repeaters that cover these counties. Basically, every Ham operator out here has access to a 2m radio. Simplex may be used to contact another ham, but the 2m repeaters are used extensively by club members and visitors, plus we provide EchoLink access to the repeaters. Your initial contact with other hams will likely be on the 2m band, and the Big Bend has a great repeater system to help you get started.

The next step is to participate in the 2m net on Wednesday nights at 8:00pm using the 2m repeaters. A list of most Ham operators in the area can be found on the Networks page under the 2m Roster.

You will want to participate in monthly club meetings, held at the Alpine Mason’s Lodge. The meetings are the second Tuesday of each month, starting at 7:00pm.

EchoLink access to our 2m repeaters is available when you are not in the area. Our station is K5FD-R Alpine.

Last edited 7-15-2022