Meeting of September 13, 2016

The meeting was attended by 15 members and guests:

WA5ROE Bob     Alpine
W5NPR  Bill    Alpine
KA5PVB Chuck   Alpine
N5NYM  Allen   Alpine
KD5KBU Jim     Fort Davis
KX5SP  Steve   Alpine
KE5OG  Bill    Alpine
KE5WCP Stephen Fort Davis
KG5LMG Marvin  Fort Davis
KE5KNQ Rob     Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Chuck KA5PVB at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the August 9, 2016 meeting were read and approved after a motion by Allen N5NYM and second by Jim KD5KBU.

Angie N5MVV was not present and no Treasurer’s Report was presented.

Old Business:
It was reported that the batteries purchased for 146.82 had not yet been installed. It was also discussed that the Glass Mountain 146.92 repeater was now linked into the system.

The trailer belonging to BBARC had been moved into Alpine from Barb KM5VM residence, was being stored at the True Value yard, and had been advertised for sale on Facebook. It was suggested that the trailer be advertised by other means, as it was unlikely that potential buyers outside of the ham radio community would see the Facebook ad.

New Business:
Jim KD5KBU reported that CycleFest was scheduled for September 17-18, the upcoming weekend. This is a round the scenic loop event scheduled for Saturday, with a hill climb from Fort Davis to McDonald’s observatory on Sunday. Volunteers were needed, with the most help needed on Saturday. Volunteers were asked to meet at 7:00 AM at the old Murhy’s parking lot on Saturday morning. Meeting time for Sunday morning would be announced.

A letter from Rick Roderick K5UR, President of the ARRL, was distributed, requested that all ARRL members contact their United States Senators requesting that they vote for the bill concerning Ham Radio Antenna Parity. The bill would provide ham radio operators the right to construct antennas in subdivisions were antennas are now restricted. The House of Represenatives version of the bill had passed, and passage by the Senate was the last step before becoming being signed into law.

Allen N5NYM presented the program on the proposed ECHO LINK system to be insalled and added to the BBARC repeater system. All hardware equipment would be installed at True Value. Allen reported that ECHO LINK has been programmed and tested without going through a computer. Parts had been ordered to allow a radio to communicate with a computer, thus providing an option to the phone patch system. Final installation should be upcoming prior to the October business meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary