Meeting of October 11, 2016

The meeting was attended by 15 members and guests:

WA5ROE Bob     Alpine
W5NPR  Bill    Alpine
N5NYM  Allen   Alpine
KD5KBU Jim     Fort Davis
KX5SP  Steve   Alpine
KE5OG  Bill    Alpine
KE5WCP Stephen Fort Davis
KG5LMG Marvin  Fort Davis
W5RHN  Bob     Fort Davis
K5FRN  Fran    Fort Davis
N5PVL  Charles Alpine
N5MVV  Angie   Fort Davis
KB5R   Rusty   Alpine
KA5AHI Bob     Alpine
KF5KMB Polly   Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Allen N5NYM at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the September 13, 2016 meeting were read and approved after a motion by Jim KD5KBU and second by Steve KX5SP.

Angie N5MVV presented the Treasurer’s Report, with an end of month balance of $2987.50. The Treasurer’s Report was accepted after a motion by Rusty KB5R and a second by Bob WA5ROE.

Old Business:
It was reported that the batteries purchased for 146.82 had not yet been installed. It was also discussed that the Elephant Mountain 147.02 repeater needed additional repairs, but weather had prevented planned repair trips.

The trailer belonging to BBARC which had been advertised for sale on the BBARC, was re-advertised on KVLF.

It was reported that ECHO LINK was up and running, although it might not be setup in its permanent operating location. Allen N5NYM reported that DEFAULT codes had been amended to work with the BBARC system. Bob WA5ROE reported that ECHO LINK checkins had occurred on the BBEN. The club as a whole extended appreciation to Allen N5NYM for efforts to get the system up and working.

Jim KD5KBU reported that CycleFest had gone well. He reported that approximately 400 had participated, although 11 had rode to Alpine rather than following the Davis Mountain Loop route and 2 had been temporarily lost, but later found.

New Business:

Bill KE5OG presented the program on DX operations. He stated that communicating with foreign stations was the autonomy of ham radio. He presented recorded conversations of himself while communicating with operators in Brazil, Spain and Namibia. He discussed exchanges of QSL cards, computer log books, radio and antenna requirements, and ham radio bands. He discussed the operating conditions on ham radio bands, stating that 10 meters was rairly favorable; 12 meters cound be good with favorable propagation; 15 meters was a good DX band; 17 meters where the best conditions are now; 20 meters up and down from 14,195 was the money band; 30 meters was a very narrow band; 40 meters was a good night band; and 80 meters, only good at night. He stated that RTTY could also be used, but that special software was required. He recommended subsribing and reading DX bullitins. He stated that he was very, very close to qualifying for the “worked all countries” award.

It was a well presented and well received program.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary