The meeting was attended by 17 members and guests:
WA5ROE Bob Alpine W5NPR Bill Alpine KE5KNQ Rob Alpine N5DO Dave Alpine N5NYM Allen Alpine W5DWI Dick Alpine W5JUW Lora Alpine KA5PVB Chuck Alpine KB5R Rusty Alpine KG5BZB Herb Alpine KG5LMG Marvin DMR KG5DW Don Fort Davis KG5HFJ Al Terlingua KE5DG Bill Alpine AD5OJ Jonathon Marfa Zack Alpine KG5DW Don Fort Davis
The meeting was called to order by Chuck KA5PVB at 7:30 PM.
The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved.
Angie N5MVV was not present and no financial report was presented.
Bill W5NPR reported that the inspection and registration on the communication RV has been completed. He stated that he had paid for both personally, and needed reimbursement.
IIt was discussed that the trailer that was donated with the Communication RV was still at Barb’s KM5VM residence.
The need for a new BBARC Website was discussed. Allen N5NYM agreed to work on a new website and for the time being, it would be piggy backed on Allen’s domain, and then moved to the BBARC domain when fully developed.
It was discussed that new batteries were needed at the Christmas Mountains 146.82 repeater site. Rusty KB5R moved to buy 4 batteries at an approximate cost of $600.00, second by Bill KE5OG, Motion approved.
The program was presented by Jonathon AD5BY. He discussed a remote stock tank water level program he had developed, using cell phones for monitoring purposes. Thedata received was time and date of report, water level, percent of gain or loss in previous pre-selected time frames. He covered the electronic configuation, construction, design schematics. He stated that these techniques can also be used to design do-it-yourself ham radio projects.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary