Meeting of July 12, 2016

The meeting was attended by 11 members and guests:

WA5ROE Bob     Alpine
W5NPR  Bill    Alpine
N5NYM  Allen   Alpine
W5DWI  Dick    Alpine
W5JUW  Lora    Alpine
KA5PVB Chuck   Alpine
KB5R   Rusty   Alpine
KE5OG  Bill    Alpine
N5MVV  Angie   Fort Davis
KG5BMK Chuck   Terlingua 
KG5OQJ Maria   Alpine
KG5OJT Monte   Alpine
       Beau    Alpine
KD5KBU Jim     Fort Davis
KE5WCP Stephen Fort Davis
K5AHI  Bob     Alpine

The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved.

Angie N5MVV presented the Financial Statement, reporting an end-of-month balance of $3,651.91. She also reported that Liability Insurance would be due soon. Bill KE5OG moved to approve Financial Statement, Rusty KB5R seconded, motion approved.

Old Business:
It was reported that the trailer at Barb’s KM5VM house had not been moved. Bill W5NPR agreed to move trailer and Bob WA5ROE agreed to help.

It was reported that the batteries for the Christmas Mountain 146.82 repeater had been purchased, but not yet installed.

Bob WA5ROE reported that meal income for Field Day was $764.00, expenses $605.21. He had deposited $800.00, which also included $36.00 for payment of dues.

It was reported that a test session had produced 3 new hams.

New Business:
A test session to be given at a later date for General Class license was discussed, as was the source of test preparation materials.

The program was presented by Bill KE5OG. He reported that this year’s Field Day had yeilded approximately 300 fewer contacts than last year due to fewer contacts on the GOTA Station and totally dead 6-meter propogation, as well as poor propagation on 15-meters. Although official Field Day results will be not be released until December, it is believed that Midland ARC was the high scoring West Texas station.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary