The meeting was attended by 11 members and guests:
WA5ROE Bob Alpine W5NPR Bill Alpine KA5PVB Chuck Alpine KB5R Rusty Alpine N5MVV Angie Fort Davis W4PBD Jim Alpine W5JSR Steve Alpine KK5ROB Robin Alpine N5DO Dave Alpine N5NYM Allen Alpine KE5OG Bill Alpine
The meeting was called to order by Bill KE5OG at 7:30 PM.
The minutes of the June 9, 2015 meeting were read and approved.
Angie N5MVV reported an end of month balance of $5,228.18. Angie also reported an unpaid bill of $200.00 for insurance. The bill was approved for payment after a motion by Rusty KB5R and second by Chuck KA5PVB.
It was reported that Bill W5ATO had donated a winch for the club owned antenna trailer. The wench will need a welded bracket for installation.
It was discussed that bad batteries were the cause of problems at the Glass Mountains 146.92 repeater. After discussion, the purchase of new batteries was approved after a motion by Chuck KA5PVB and second by Rusty KB5R. It was also discussed that the short life of the batteries being replaced might suggest warranty replacement might lower the total cost.
It was discussed that Betty McQuire of the McQuire Ranch in Marfa had offered an antenna tower to the club. It would require lowering the tower and removing it from its present location.
Bob WA5ROE reported Field Day meal expenses of $449.55, plumbing repair expenses of $179.57, tower supply expenses of $41.00, for total expenses of $669.12. Total received for meals was $765.00, producing an income over expenses of $95.88. He acknowledged food donations from several individuals in addition to food prepared on site. He also acknowleged food and cooking assistance from Ike Roberts.
Dave N5DO discussed the need for a computer projector for club use. It was discussed that in the past a projector when needed was borrowed from Sul Ross, and that it would be advantageous for the club to have its own projector. Dave had researched the availability and cost and determined that a good quality projector could be purchased for $350.00. After discussion, purchase was approved.
Program was a summary of Field Day: It was reported that the BBARC had scored a total of 10,610, including bonus points. The West Section Managers Field Day award was discussed, with the plaque going to the high scoring Class A Station. Class A are all stations, regardless of the total number of transmitters, that operated totally on emergency power. It is believed that BBARC is the winner of the Field Day 2015 Award, with the club’s main competition being Midland ARC with 9,402 poijnts, although official results will not be released until December. BBARC also won the award in 2014.
Also discussed was the need for additional meals in 2016, due to rule changes that allow for an earlier setup time. One suggestion was the possiblity of pot luck meals for the additional meals to prevent addition on-site preparation of meals.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Bill W5NPR, Secretary