The meeting was attended by 14 members and 4 recently licensed guests:
WA5ROE Bob Alpine KE5KNQ Rob Alpine N5DO Dave Alpine W5DWI Dick Alpine W5JUW Lora Alpine KA5PVB Chuck Alpine KI5ZQ Ken Fort Davis W5ATO Bill Alpine N5MVV Angie Fort Davis KB5R Rusty Alpine W4PDB Jim Vest Alpine KG5AAW Brain Hartman Alpine N5NYM Allen Alpine KF5LZT Ted Smith Alpine Marvin Voiers Fort Davis Cindy Davis Fort Davis Sue Smith Fort Davis Chuck Smith Fort Davis
The meeting was moved to the American Legion due to no key available for the West Texas National Bank meeting room. Rusty KB5R made arrangements.
The meeting was called to order by Chuck KA5PVB at 7:35 PM.
The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved.
Angie N5MVV presented the Treasurers Report, reporting a balance of $3,542.07.
Old Business:
Dave N5DO discussed the details of the Banquet on February 5th. He also discussed the success of the classes held at the fire station at DMR and introduced the 4 newly licensed hams from that testing session who were present at the meeting. He stated that there were 8 individuals from the Alpine class scheduled to be tested the following day, and 2 others from Terlingua to be tested at the home of Chuck KG5BMK and Cathy KG5CGR.
New Business:
Bob WA5ROE reported that the club’s Communication Van needed a new windshield at a cost of about $350.00. Rusty KB5R moved that the replacement be done, seconded by Bill W5ATO, motion approved. Bob will make the necessary arrangements.
Dave N5DO discussed the upcoming Field Day at the end of June, reporting 2 new bonus point categories.. The first is promotion of the club Field Day participation using Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. The second is the appointment of a Safety Officer, who must be on-site from setup to tear-down and must certify in writing that all safety categories were strictly enforced.
Bill W5ATO presented the program on ”all we need to know about controlling our repeater system”. He discussed the codes needed to control the system. Printco will prepare cards with the repeater system codes and info for future handouts. He also discussed the on-going efforts to repair the Pierce Mountain 146.72 repeater. He stated that our repeater system could be improved with the addition of another repeater in the Big Bend Ranch State Park vicinity.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Prepared by Chuck KB5PVB