The meeting was attended by 30+ members and guests.
In recognition of the Big Bend Amateur Radio Club’s 40th Anniversary, members and guests met in the upstairs party room of the Saddle Club in Alpine on December 7th from 7:00PM to 8:30 PM.. Hosted by Bob Ward WA5ROE and Dave Cochran N5DO, founding members of the BBARC, those in attendance enjoyed beer, wine, soft drinks and hors d’ oeuvres prepared and served by the Saddle Club. Although regular business meeting procedures were not observed, one item of business was conducted. Acting on the nominations presented by the nominating committee, the following officers were elected for 2015: President Bill Brook KE5OG; Vice-President Chuck Dobbins KA5PVB; Treasurer Angie Otoupal N5MVV; and Secretary Bill Roberts W5NPR. It was a very enjoyable event, and members of the BBARC express their appreciation to Bob and Dave for hosting and organizing the Anniversary Party.
The anniversary party ended at approximately 8:30PM.
Minutes taken and prepared by Bill W5NPR.