Meeting of August 11, 2015

The meeting was attended by 9 members and guests:

WA5ROE Bob   Alpine
KA5PVB Chuck Alpine
KB5R   Rusty Alpine
N5MVV  Angie Fort Davis
KE5OG  Bill  Alpine
W5JUW  Lora  Alpine
W5DWI  Dick  Alpine
W4PDB  Jim   Alpine
KG5BMK Chuck Terlingua
KG5CGR Kathy Terlingua

The meeting was called to order by Bill KE5OG at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the July 14th meeting were read and approved.

Angie N5MVV reported an estimated balance of $4,745.00.

Old Business:
The club computer driven projector has been purchased by Bill W5ATO.

New Bussiness:
Chuck KG5BMK brought an antenna tuner and antenna with a mounting tri-pod from JulianneKF5RDN, who is currently teaching in Arizona, but has plans to return to Terlingua sometime in the future.

Bill KE5OG reported that there was a going away party for Ray Hendrix (voice of KVLF/KALP)and an old microphone was used on a plaque to thank Ray and his family for their long time support of our community (since the mid-1940’s).

Business meeting ajourned at 7:45 PM

Chuck KA5PVB did a presentation of “show and tell” on the Summits-On-The-Air group. He discussed the activator, the one that climbs the mountain and sets up the equipment), and the operating techniques of the chasers, who stay home and receive his transmissions.

The meeting adjourned at 8:23 PM.
Minutes prepared by Chuck
Dobbins KA5PVB