Meeting of October 13, 2015

The meeting was attended by 20 members and guests:

WA5ROE Bob   Alpine
W5NPR  Bill  Alpine
KB5R   Rusty Alpine
KD5KBU Jim   Fort Davis
KG5HEJ Al    Terlingua
KE5KNQ Rob   Alpine
N5DO   Dave  Alpine
N5NYM  Allen Alpine
KE5OG  Bill  Alpine
KF5LZT Ted   Alpine
W5DWI  Dick  Alpine
W5JUW  Lora  Alpine
KA5PVB Chuck Alpine
KA5BAX John  Lajitas
KA5Y   Tex   Lajitas
N5HYD  Doug  Fort Davis
N5MVV  Angie Fort Davis
W5ATO  Bill  Alpine
K5AHI  Bob   Alpine
WA5MHO Dean  Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Bill KE5OG at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the September 9, 2015 meeting were read and approved.

Angie N5MVV presented the Financial Report, reporting a balance of $3901.18.

Jim KD5KBU reported that the Cyclefest event in Fort Davis was held September 19th & 20th, and that no major problems or injuries occurred. He reported 400 riders and 10 ham operators providing communications. He thanked the club members that voluntered for the event.

Bill KE5OG requested reimbursement for $27.76 for QSL Cards printed for K5FD, the new club call. Bill W5ATO moved to reimburse, second by Rusty KB5R. Motion approved.

Bill KE5OG reported that the Scout Jamboree on the Air was scheduled for the following weekend, and that he would operate from Buffalo Trails Scout Ranch for the Cub Scouts.

Bill KE5OG reported that Roger W5LXS and Steve W5JR of the Midland Amateur Club would like to collaborate with Big Bend Amateur Radio Club on the upcoming Midland Hamfest. It was also reported that a West Texas Elmer System had been suggested to provide assistance to new hams.

It was discussed that Doug N5HYD had paid the deposit for electrical service at Elephant Mountain Hub location. Deposits are refunded after 12 months of timely payments. It was noted that when the county accepted responsibility for payment of the electric bill, those payments are not being paid on a timely basis, and that refund of the deposit is not forthcoming. After discussion, Bill W5AT0 moved to reimburse Doug for the Utility deposit, second by Rusty KB5R. Motion approved.

Bill KE5OG praised Doug H5HYD and Bill W5ATO for repeater maintenance over the years. He also reported that 146.72 had been hit by lightning, and that it was down for repairs and that the 145.23 emergency repeater was up and running. It was noted that maintenance of that repeater is becoming more difficult year by year. It was discussed that a change of locations might be considered, with the following options discussed: (1) Give up site; (2) Bring the repeater down to the turn around; (3) Move repeater to A-Mountain; (4) Move Repeater to Pierce Mountain; (5) Move Repeater to Bull Frog Mountain; and (6) consider some combination of the above. It was noted that if a move was made to A-Mountain, Big Bend Telephone would cooperate. It was also discussed that Pierce Mountain had been visited with permission of the Pierce family, that test communications had been made and if the the move to Pierce Mountain was approved by the club, that the actual site could be chosen by the club. It was discussed that Pierce Mountain would serve all locations, with the possible lost of points west of Paisano Pass.
It was discussed that the 146.62 McDonald Observatory location does serve Marfa, although a gap in service might exist near Paisano Pass. After discussion, motion was made by Rusty KB5R to proceed with discussions with Pierce family, conduct further site location tests, and because of easy site access, it make this location the priority, second by Chuck KA5PVB, motion approved.

Further discussion centered around making the 145.23 Emergency Repeater more mobile by considering short term use by batteries rather than by solar panels.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of September 9, 2015

The meeting was attended by 11 members and guests:

WA5ROE Bob   Alpine
W5NPR  Bill  Alpine
KB5R   Rusty Alpine
KD5KBU Jim   Fort Davis
KG5HEJ Al    Terlingua
KE5KNQ Rob   Alpine
N5DO   Dave  Alpine
N5NYM  Allen Alpine
KE5OG  Bill  Alpine
KF5LZT Ted   Alpine
NF5FF  Steve Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Bill KE5OG at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the August 11, 2015 meeting were read and approved.

In the absence of Angie N5MVV, there was no Financial Report.

Jim KD5KBU reported that the Cyclefest event in Fort Davis was scheduled for September 19th. He said there would be 5 water stops and that a ham operator to provide communications would be needed at each stop plus a net control operator. He was unsure if he would be available to provide net control services. There would be 5 individual races, 5, 25, 55, and 75 miles. The races would begin at 8:00 AM and continue until 4:00 PM. Any racer still on the course at 4:00 PM would be on their own. On Sunday September 20st, the Hill Climb up to McDonald Observatory would be conducted. Volunteers would be needed both days, with the most needed on Saturday. He asked that volunteers meet in the Murphy’s parking lot at 7:15 AM on Saturday.

Bob WA5ROE reported that Barb KM5VM had called and that she had fallen,broken an ankle, suffered a concussion and was in rehab in College Station.

Bob WA5ROE asked that all EC’s meet with him after the meeting.

The program was conducted by N5DO on the various modes of the MFJ-259B. He explained that most users of the 259-B used the SWR mode, but that there were many more uses, including Coax Loss, Coax cable length, Complez RF Impedance, Inductance, Capacitance, Battery voltage, frequency counter, and many other electronic modes. It was a well prepared and well presented program.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of August 11, 2015

The meeting was attended by 9 members and guests:

WA5ROE Bob   Alpine
KA5PVB Chuck Alpine
KB5R   Rusty Alpine
N5MVV  Angie Fort Davis
KE5OG  Bill  Alpine
W5JUW  Lora  Alpine
W5DWI  Dick  Alpine
W4PDB  Jim   Alpine
KG5BMK Chuck Terlingua
KG5CGR Kathy Terlingua

The meeting was called to order by Bill KE5OG at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the July 14th meeting were read and approved.

Angie N5MVV reported an estimated balance of $4,745.00.

Old Business:
The club computer driven projector has been purchased by Bill W5ATO.

New Bussiness:
Chuck KG5BMK brought an antenna tuner and antenna with a mounting tri-pod from JulianneKF5RDN, who is currently teaching in Arizona, but has plans to return to Terlingua sometime in the future.

Bill KE5OG reported that there was a going away party for Ray Hendrix (voice of KVLF/KALP)and an old microphone was used on a plaque to thank Ray and his family for their long time support of our community (since the mid-1940’s).

Business meeting ajourned at 7:45 PM

Chuck KA5PVB did a presentation of “show and tell” on the Summits-On-The-Air group. He discussed the activator, the one that climbs the mountain and sets up the equipment), and the operating techniques of the chasers, who stay home and receive his transmissions.

The meeting adjourned at 8:23 PM.
Minutes prepared by Chuck
Dobbins KA5PVB

Meeting of July 12, 2015

The meeting was attended by 11 members and guests:

WA5ROE Bob   Alpine
W5NPR  Bill  Alpine
KA5PVB Chuck Alpine
KB5R   Rusty Alpine
N5MVV  Angie Fort Davis
W4PBD  Jim   Alpine
W5JSR  Steve Alpine
KK5ROB Robin Alpine
N5DO   Dave  Alpine
N5NYM  Allen Alpine
KE5OG  Bill  Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Bill KE5OG at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the June 9, 2015 meeting were read and approved.

Angie N5MVV reported an end of month balance of $5,228.18. Angie also reported an unpaid bill of $200.00 for insurance. The bill was approved for payment after a motion by Rusty KB5R and second by Chuck KA5PVB.

It was reported that Bill W5ATO had donated a winch for the club owned antenna trailer. The wench will need a welded bracket for installation.

It was discussed that bad batteries were the cause of problems at the Glass Mountains 146.92 repeater. After discussion, the purchase of new batteries was approved after a motion by Chuck KA5PVB and second by Rusty KB5R. It was also discussed that the short life of the batteries being replaced might suggest warranty replacement might lower the total cost.

It was discussed that Betty McQuire of the McQuire Ranch in Marfa had offered an antenna tower to the club. It would require lowering the tower and removing it from its present location.

Bob WA5ROE reported Field Day meal expenses of $449.55, plumbing repair expenses of $179.57, tower supply expenses of $41.00, for total expenses of $669.12. Total received for meals was $765.00, producing an income over expenses of $95.88. He acknowledged food donations from several individuals in addition to food prepared on site. He also acknowleged food and cooking assistance from Ike Roberts.

Dave N5DO discussed the need for a computer projector for club use. It was discussed that in the past a projector when needed was borrowed from Sul Ross, and that it would be advantageous for the club to have its own projector. Dave had researched the availability and cost and determined that a good quality projector could be purchased for $350.00. After discussion, purchase was approved.

Program was a summary of Field Day: It was reported that the BBARC had scored a total of 10,610, including bonus points. The West Section Managers Field Day award was discussed, with the plaque going to the high scoring Class A Station. Class A are all stations, regardless of the total number of transmitters, that operated totally on emergency power. It is believed that BBARC is the winner of the Field Day 2015 Award, with the club’s main competition being Midland ARC with 9,402 poijnts, although official results will not be released until December. BBARC also won the award in 2014.

Also discussed was the need for additional meals in 2016, due to rule changes that allow for an earlier setup time. One suggestion was the possiblity of pot luck meals for the additional meals to prevent addition on-site preparation of meals.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Bill W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of June 9, 2015

The meeting was attended by 14 members and guests:

WA5ROE Bob   Alpine
W5NPR  Bill  Alpine
KA5PVB Chuck Alpine
KE5KNQ Rob   Alpine
KB5R   Rusty Alpine
N5MVV  Angie Fort Davis
W4PBD  Jim   Alpine
W5JSR  Steve Alpine
KK5ROB Robin Alpine
W5DWI  Dick  Alpine
W5JUW  Lora  Alpine
KM5VM  Barb  Alpine
KE5OG  Bill  Alpine
K5AHI  Bill  Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Bill KE5OG at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the May 12, 2015, meeting were read and approved with a correction.

Angie N5MVV presented an end of month balance of $5,054.40.

Angie N5MVV handed out a list prepared by Doug N5HYD of equipment needed to install ECHOLINK into the system. Cost of the equipment would be $512.83. It would provide the ability to shut down ECHOLINK should problems occur, or operator interference occurred during an emergency when repeater system was in use. Also a location for the equipment needs to be found where there is dependable access to 147.02 on Elephant Mountain.

Program was devoted to the upcoming ARRL Field Day on June 27th and 28th. Items discussed were the antenna installations required, operating equipment to be used, a printout of ARRL rules prepared by Bill KE5OG., maintenance to the pavillion accomplished earlier in the month, and maintenance still required. It was announced that the Bob Ward family had donated a used cook range to replace the one in use for many years, which was down to only one working burner, and no oven. Bob WA5ROE reported that individuals planning to partake in all meals would be charged $30.00, plus an additional $15.00 for spouses, and $10.00 for individual meals. Those participating were asked to bring a 12 pack of water, soft drinks or their choice of 807’s. It was emphasized that considerable preparation was needed, and as much help as possible was needed. It was discussed that due to rule changes, a portion of the setup process was allowed to begin on Thursday evening, and the remainder on Friday.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.

Bill W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of May 12, 2015

The meeting was attended by 14 members and one guest:

WA5ROE Bob   Alpine
N5DO   Dave  Alpine 
KE5KNQ Rob   Alpine
KM5VM  Barb  Alpine
W5JUW  Lora  Alpine
W5DWI  Dick  Alpine
KA5PVB Chuck Alpine
W4PBD  Dave  Alpine
N5NYM  Allen Alpine
W5NPR  Bill  Alpine
N5MVV  Angie Fort Davis
WA5MHO Dean  Alpine
KB5R   Rusty Alpine
KF5LZT J.T.  Alpine

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by V.P. Chuck Dobbins KA5PVB filling in for
President Bill KE5OG who was out of town.

Minutes of the April 14th meeting were read and approved with corrections.

Treasurer’s Report-Angie N5MVV reported $5,057.24 in the club account.

Old Business:

EchoLink – N5DO reported that Doug N5HYD does not have the equipment necessary for
installation of the system. A computer will be needed for 24hr/7day operation and a 2 meter
transceiver. KB5R questions the 24 hour unattended computer operation that could result
in many problem transmissions collected by it.
AngieN5MVV reports that Doug N5HYD has looked into the EchoLink issue and has the
computer programs and equipment ready if the club wants to implement it. Angie agreed
to get more information from Doug and present it at our June meeting.

New Business:

Barb KM5VM reports she has been given the keys to the Double Diamond Pavilion and that
we need to visit the site before Field Day to check out the plumbing and electrical needs. We
scheduled Saturday, June 6th at 10:00 AM to meet at the pavilion to inspect and determine
needs for our Field Day event. We voted to have Tuesday, June 26th as our “pre-event”
clean-up and preparation for Field Day.
Last year we were part of the 392entries in the 2A category (2 transmitters + GOTA station
and 6 meter station) and overall we finished 6th NATIONALLY!!!! This is our ALL-TIME
BEST with 2,979 QSO’s and 9,560 points.

On May 7th we had four people take the Technician Test in Terlingua and all passed the test.
Also, John KG5BYY and John KG5GBO both passed their General Class test. Allen N5NYM
went from Tech to Extra Class in 2 weeks! A hearty congratulations to all of our new hams!

Business Meeting adjourned at 7:52 PM.

Dave N5DO passed out ARES information sheets that we currently have on file for us to
make any changes (address, phone numbers, etc.) to update our files. Updated e-mail
addresses emphasized! Dave also passed out copies of our current calling tree and proposed
that we consider building up calling trees for Alpine, South Brewster County and Jeff Davis
County to assist with local issues.

Dave N5DO reported that there is an ARES net on 3.873 Khz on Mondays at 7:30 PM.

Past member Jim K5FD (SK) requested the K5FD call-sign and we received it from the FCC.

Dave N5DO reported that Julianne KF5RDN and he are discussing holding a Technician
training class in the Presidio area in the future.

Meeting adjourned at 8:26 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Chuck Dobbins KA5PVB
filling in for Bill W5NPR

Meeting of April 14, 2015

The meeting was attended by 16 members and one guest:

KE5OG  Bill  Alpine
WA5ROE Bob   Alpine
W5NPR  Bill  Alpine
N5DO   Dave  Alpine 
KD5KBU Jim   Fort Davis
KG5BMK Chuck Terlingua
NF5FF  Steve Alpine
N5MVV  Angie Fort Davis
KE5KNQ Rob   Alpine
KM5VM  Barb  Alpine
W5JUW  Lora  Alpine
W5DWI  Dick  Alpine
KA5PVB Chuck Alpine
KK5ROB Robin Alpine
W5JSR  Steve Alpine
W4PBD  Dave  Alpine
N5NYM  Allen Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Bill KE5OG.

Minutes of February 10th and March 10th, 2015 meetings were read and approved.

Angie N5MVV presented the Treasurer’s Report and reported that the end of April balance was

Old Business:

The possibility of adding EchoLink to the BBARC repeater system, which had been discussed
at the February meeting, was further discussed. It was mentioned that informal conversations on EchoLink in other areas at the time of local emergencies could be a problem. Other details need
to be worked out before a final decision is made.

Jim KD5KBU reported on Hammerfest in Fort Davis, reporting 100 plus participants and no
major problems or injuries.

It was discussed that Barb KM5VM had the keys to the Double Diamond Pavilion in hand,
and that the Meriwether family had suggested visiting the site in advance to determine what
plumbing and/or electrical problems might need to be addressed. It was suggested that the
visit to the pavilion be scheduled at the May business meeting.

New Business:

Dave N5DO reported classes were being held at Terlingua with testing to be scheduled for May 7th. It was discussed that this was the first set of classes and testing to be held in Terlingua and
South Brewster County.

Other items discussed were the repeater system solar panels, and Tex KA5Y reported that the
South County weather link was not functional.


Steve NF5FF presented the program on Repeater Systems, discussing the differences in simplex
and duplex equipment and the operations of each.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of March 10, 2015

Members of the BBARC joined other members of the community and students of Sul Ross State University to participate in a SKYWARN presentation by the National Weather Service. Discussed topics were the various types of weather emergencies, and how to anticipate and prepare for emergencies by observing cloud , rain and wind conditions. Safety before, during and following weather emergencies was discussed, as well as the observation of storms by weather trackers.

The presentation, which was held in the Warnock Science Building at Sul Ross, started at 7:00 PM and concluded at approximately 8:30 PM. There were approximately 35 in attendance.

No BBARC business was conducted.

Bill W5NPR Secretary

Meeting of February 10, 2015

The meeting was attended by 13 members:

WA5ROE Bob      Alpine
W5NPR  Bill     Alpine
N5DO   Dave     Alpine 
KA5PVB Chuck    Alpine
KE5KNQ Rob      Alpine
KB5R   Rusty    Alpine
WA5MHO Dean     Alpine
KG5BMK Chuck    Terlingua
KD5KBU Jim      Fort Davis
N5MVV  Angie    Fort Davis
NF5FF  Steve    Alpine
KF5RDN Julianne Terlingua
KE5IYO Keith    Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Chuck KA5PVB at 7:30 PM. It was discussed that Bill KE5OG, BBARC President, was in Corpus Christi following the stoke and critical illness of his brother, and unable to attend the meeting. The prayers of everyone was extended to Bill and his family.

The minutes of the January 13, 2015 meeting were read and approved.

Angie N5MVV presented an end of month balance of $5.925.88 and presented a bill from Big Bend Telephone for $29.92.

Dave N5DO circulated a sign-up sheet for attendance at the BBARC Annual Banquet, scheduled for February 13th at the Gallego Center at Sul Ross. Drinks would be served at 6:30 PM and the meal to be served at 7:00 PM. The program planned was Hollywood and Amateur Radio, with excerpts from movies over the years which featured Ham Radio.

Dave N5DO reported that a technician class course was underway and that testing would occur on February 26th.

Jim KD5KBU reported that Hammerfest Bicycle event would occur on Saturday March 28 and Sunday March 29, with the hill climb to begin at 8:00 AM on Saturday and the Loop Ride to begin at 8:00 AM on Sunday. Those involved in communication support were asked to meet at the Murphy’s parking lot at 7:00 AM each morning

Bill W5NPR requested that Jonathon Baize be scheduled to present a program on his design of water level monitoring on ranch storage tanks by remote control, using an Iphone. Dave N5DO suggested the May 12th BBARC meeting. Bill advised that he would contact Jonathon and advise him that his presentation had been scheduled.

Bob WA5ROE reported that damage to the antennas at the EOC and Alpine PD had occurred and that replacement was necessary. Rusty KB5R moved to authorize up to $75.00 for replacement, Julianne seconded, motion approved.

Bob WA5ROE gave a reminder that SKYWARN would be presented on March 10th at the Warnock Science Building at Sul Ross, room 201. It was discussed that this meeting would replace the regular meeting of BBARC.

Dave N5DO gave the program on the possibility of adding ECHOLINK to the BBARC Repeater System. Amateur operators in El Paso had made the suggestion to enable BBARC and El Paso Clubs to link together during emergencies. It was discussed that some benefits would be realized, but that also there were problems that would be created that would have to be worked out. Study of adding ECHOLINK would continue.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.

Bill W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of January 13, 2015

The meeting was attended by 11 members:
KE5EIE Max   Alpine
WA5ROE Bob   Alpine
W5NPR  Bill  Alpine
KE5OG  Bill  Alpine
N5DO   Dave  Alpine 
W5DWI  Dick  Alpine
W5JUW  Lora  Alpine
KA5PVB Chuck Alpine
KE5KNQ Rob   Alpine
KB5R   Rusty Alpine
WA5MHO Dean  Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Bill KE5OG at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the November 11, 2014 and the December 7, 2014 meetings were read and approved, with one minor correction to the November 11th minutes.

In the absence of Angie N5MVV, Bob WA5ROE reported an end of month balance of $6,209 as shown on the current bank statement, and presented a bill from Big Bend Telephone for $29.92 and a bill for RV insurance of $745.00. Both bills were approved for payment after a motion by Rusty KB5R and a second by Dick W5DWI.

It was reported that the annual BBARC Banquet was scheduled for February 13, 2005 at the Gallego Center at Sul Ross, with drinks at 6:30 PM and meal and program to begin at 7:00 PM. Meal choices would be chicken fried steak and pecan crusted chicken.

Dave N5DO reported that a technician class course would be presented beginning January 22, 2015. Instruction would be provided by guest instructors.

It was discussed that the the Ultra 50 at Big Bend Ranch State Park was scheduled for Martin Luther King weekend, with the actual race to be on January 18th. Much of the race planning had been done by Bill W5ATO and Doug N5HYD. Several BBARC members would be providing communication support, along with other ham operators from the San Antonio area. Bob WA5ROE would serve as net control.

Bill W5NPR announced that his second term as West Texas Section Manager would end on June 30, 2015, and that he would not be a candidate for reelection to a third term. He reported that Ron Harden KB5HGM had announced his intentions to run for the position, had sent a nomination form, and requested signatures from BBARV members. Bill mentioned that Ron was in his second term as president of the Abilene ARC.

Dave N5DO presented the program on Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS). He discussed the method of converting alternate current to direct current using various models of switch mode power supplies.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Bill W5NPR, Secretary