Meeting of June 13, 2017

Minutes of Meeting

June 13, 2017

The meeting was attended by 11 members and guests:

KA5PVB Chuck Alpine
W5NPR  Bill    Alpine
N5NYM  Allen   Alpine
KE5OG  Bill    Alpine
KD5KBU Jim     Fort Davis
KG5LMG Marvin  Fort Davis
WA5ROE Bob     Alpine
N5MVV  Angie   Fort Davis 
KG5LTE Scott   Alpine
KE5WCP Stephen Fort Davis
N5JOE  Jim     Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Allen N5NYM at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the May 9, 2017 meeting were read and approved after a motion by Jim KD5KBU and second by Chuck KA5PVB.

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Angie N5MVV, with an end of month balance of $3556.15. The report was approved after a motion by Jim KD5KBU and a second by Chuck KA5PVB.

Old Business:

Allen N5NYM reported that the visit to the Star Party Radio facilities at Prude Ranch had been beneficial and had been well attended. He also discussed the viewing of the sun and several solar flares that were visible.

Allen N5NYM reported that the Elephant Mountain 147.02 repeater was back on line, and that the two antennas did not require separation. He discussed the need to install batteries at the 146.82 Christmas Mountain repeater.

It was discussed that an attempt to empty the storage unit was underway, but the anticipated
completion would be delayed until after Field Day.

New Business:

Scott KG5LTE reported on planned AT&T cell phone upgrades.

Allen N5NYM discussed the upcoming Field Day on June 24th & 25th and referred further discussion to Bill KE5OG who would present the program on Field Day.


Bill KE5OG began the Field Day program by stating that in 2016 BBARC finished 7th nationally in the 2A category. He discussed Field Day preparation; rules ; scoring and bonus points; publicity; ARRL education display; the radio equipment and antenna requirements used for the 2A category; meals and other matters concerning Field Day. He stated that Field Day is not technically a contest, but that it is handled as such, and that clubs and individuals are serious participants and that point totals are taken seriously.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of May 9, 2017

Minutes of Meeting

May 9, 2017

The meeting was attended by 9 members and guests:

KA5PVB Chuck  Alpine
W5NPR  Bill   Alpine
N5NYM  Allen  Alpine
KE5OG  Bill   Alpine
KD5KBU Jim    Fort Davis
KG5LMG Marvin Fort Davis
WA5ROE Bob    Alpine
N5MVV  Angie  Fort Davis 
KG5LTE Scott  Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Allen N5NYM at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the April 11, 2017 meeting were read and approved after a motion by Jim KD5KBU and second by Chuck KA5PVB.

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Angie N5MVV, with an end of month balance of $4364.24. She also reported that a bill for batteries had not been paid. The report was approved after a motion by Chuck KA5PVB and a second by Jim KD5KBU.

Old Business:
Allen N5NYM reported that the Elephant Mountain 147.02 repeater was still disabled due to interference problems. A future trip was planned to increase separation of the two antennas. It was noted that 448.00 was still operative and an alternative. Batteries for the 146.82 Christmas Mountain repeater had been purchased but not yet installed. Most likely installation would be May 20th. It was also reported that the problem with the 147.12 Cibolo Creek repeater could not be handled remotely and would require an on-site setup to allow remote reset.

It was reported that the Texas Star Party was scheduled for May 23rd from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Those attending are encouraged to car pool to Prude Ranch.

It was discussed that an attempt to empty the storage unit was underway , but the anticipated
completion would be delayed until after Field Day.

The BBARC calling tree is under revision and Bill KE5OG circulated a draft copy for additions, deletions or corrections.

It was discussed that the gin pole needs repair and that new tubing would be need to be purchased . A motion for the club to pay for all repair costs was approved after a motion from Bill KE5OG and second by Chuck KA5PVB.

It was discussed that Steve KE5QFC from Terlingua had been missing for several days. The search for Steve continues.

Bill W5NPR reported that Wink High School’s Physics and Science Technology classes would launch a balloon with amateur radio equipment included in the pay load during the last week of school. Bill reported he is planning to attend the launch.

Bill KE5OG presented the program on Contesting 101. His presentation was geared to those who have little or no contest experience, as well as those with experience. He discussed the rules, the bands in use for each contest, exchanges, multipiers, time limits, categories, how to get moving, DX and domestic, endurance and determination, logging programs etc. He discussed single-operator, single-transmitter; multi-operator, single-transmitter; and multi-operator, mult-transmitter contests. He encouraged all to jump in and get their feet wet!

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of April 11, 2017

Minutes of Meeting

April 11, 2017

The meeting was attended by 16 members and guests:

KA5PVB Chuck  Alpine
W5NPR  Bill   Alpine
N5NYM  Allen  Alpine
KB5R   Rusty  Alpine
KE5OG  Bill   Alpine
KD5KBU Jim    Fort Davis
KG5LMG Marvin Fort Davis
K5WSA  Bill   Fort Davis
       Judi   Fort Davis
WA5ROE Bob    Alpine
KX5SP  Steve  Alpine
W5DWI  Dick   Alpine
W5JUW  Lora   Alpine
N5JOE  Jim    Alpine
KE5KNQ Rob    Alpine
N5MVV  Angie  Fort Davis

The meeting was called to order by Allen N5NYM at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the March 14, 2017 meeting were read and approved after a motion by Rusty KB5R and second by Chuck KA5PVB.

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Angie N5MVV, with an end of month balance of $3998.07. The report was approved after a motion by Rusty KB5R and second by Chuck KA5PVB.

Jim KD5KBU reported on the Hammerfest Bicycle event held in Fort Davis on April 1st and 2nd. He reported good weather and no injuries on Saturday. Sunday started with reasonable weather, then turned to rain, then sleet and eventually snow. The event was cancelled before completion of the Men’s Scenic Loop race around 10-11:00 am, however the shorter Junior and Women’s events were completed. A donation for the BBARC of $475.00 was received.

Old Business:
Allen N5NYM reported that the Elephant Mountain 147.02 repeater was still disabled due to interference problem. A future trip was planned to increase separation of the two antennas. It was noted that 448.00 was still operative and an alternative. Batteries for the 146.82 Christmas Mountain repeater have not been installed .

It was reported that the Texas Star Party was scheduled for May 23rd from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. A RSVP list was passed around. Those attending from BBARC need to attend as a group.

It was discussed that an attempt to empty the storage unit was underway with anticipation that it be completed before field day.

Chuck KA5PVB circulated a list of field day merchandise, and took orders for that merchandise.

It is possible that DX Engineering will present the program for the May meeting, and if so, the meeting will be held at the Range Animal Science Building.

Bob WA5ROE presented the program on Emergency Communications. He discussed ARES, stating that there are ARES training courses that although not required, are recommended. He specified that should an emergency occur, family and neighbors of ham operators should come first. He discussed the appointed ARES positions, which are the Section Manager, Section Emergency Coordinator, the District Emergency Coordinator, and the Emergency Coordinators for each county. He passed around the BBARC Calling Tree for updates and ARES enrollment forms for updates/new members, as well as the ARES Emergency Plan for the Big Bend of West Texas..

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of March 14, 2017

Minutes of Meeting

March 14, 2017

The meeting was attended by 14 members and guests:

KA5PVB Chuck   Alpine
W5NPR  Bill    Alpine
N5NYM  Allen   Alpine
KE5WCP Stephen Fort Davis
KB5R   Rusty   Alpine
KE5OG  Bill    Alpine
KD5KBU Jim     Fort Davis
KG5LMG Marvin  Fort Davis
K5EIE  Max     Alpine
K5WSA  Bill    Fort Davis
       Judi    Fort Davis
WA5ROE Bob     Alpine
KX5SP  Steve   Alpine
N5DO   Dave    Victoria/Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Allen N5NYM at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the January 10, 2017 meeting were read and approved after a motion by Rusty KB5R and second by Dean WA5MHO. The minutes for the February 21, 2017 Skywarn meeting were read and approved after a motion by Chuck KA5PVB and second by Jim KD5KBU.

Angie N5MVV was not present and no financial statement was presented.

It was reported that Marvin KG5LMG had taken the EXTRA Class license test prior to the meeting, and had passed the test. Congratulations to Marvin for a job well done.

Old Business:
Allen N5NYM reported that attendance at The BBARC annual banquet and the Skywarn meeting had been excellent, and praised those who had supported the two events. He also thanked Bob WA5ROE and Jim KD5KBU and all volunteers for their work with the Big Bend Ultra Run. It was reported that the race route and the location of the emergency repeater had made communications a challenge.

It was reported that the Elephant Mountain 147.02 repeater was still disabled due to interference problem. A future trip was planned to increase separation of the two antennas. It was noted that 448.00 was still operative and a usable alternative.

It was reported that a trip to the 146.82 repeater on Christmas Mountains was planned the following weekend. The trip agenda included a site survey with possible gate lock issues, install correct CWID in the repeater, disable CWID in controller, attempt to locate and remove diode junctions, determine battery condition with new battery swap in mind and post license.

It was discussed that the Midland Ham Fest and West Texas Section convention would be held in Midland on March 18th.
New Business:
It was discussed that the Texas Star Party was scheduled for May 23rd from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Those planning to attend should RSVP to Allen.

It was discussed that Tim DuffeyK3LR & DX Engineering was a possible future contesting presentation.

Allen N5NYM announced that a committee would clear out the BBARC storage unit so that the rental expense could be eliminated. It was discussed that Rusty KB5R was interested in purchasing the antenna for space contacts and had offered $200.00. Chuck KA5PVB moved to accept offer, Max K5EIE seconded. Motion approved.

Rusty KB5R also expressed an interest in purchasing the club az/el antenna and rotar.

Jim KD5KBU announced that the annual Hammerfest Bicycle event was scheduled for April 1-2. Volunteers were needed for both days, with Sunday April 2nd requiring the most volunteers. Those able to support the event were asked to contact Jim.

Max K5EIE brought to the meeting many ham radio related items, announcing that he is moving to the Philippine Islands and that items were available. He did request any proceeds go to the BBARC.

The program was presented by Bill KE5OG on Propagation and its effects on ham radio operations. He discussed the Ionosphere, the Indices, including solar flux, the a-index and the k-index, the ARRL Propagation Report, the grey line, and the tools for determining propagation at any particular time, the good and bad days for contesting and DX operations and things related. It was well presented program.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of February 21, 2017

Minutes of Meeting

February 21, 2017

The meeting was attended by 12 members and approximately 32 guests:

KA5PVB Chuck   Alpine
W5NPR  Bill    Alpine
N5NYM  Allen   Alpine
KE5WCP Stephen Fort Davis
KB5R   Rusty   Alpine
K5AHI  Bob     Alpine
KF5KMB Polly   Alpine
KE5OG  Bill    Alpine
KD5KBU Jim     Fort Davis
N5HYD  Doug    Fort Davis
KX5SP  Steve   Alpine
KE5KNQ Rob     Alpine

Interested in Ham Radio but not licensed:
Alex Lopez  Van Horn
Walt Frerck  Alpine

Others attending the session included law enforcement police officers, students of Sul Ross State University and area residents.

The meeting was the annual SKYWARN session presented by Mark Strobin of the Midland office of the National Weather Service. He presented weather statistics, weather events in the recent past, cloud formations and types, storms, thunderstorms, tornadoes, down bursts, lightning and the dangers present for each category of hazardous weather. He discussed the recommended location of storm chasers, stressing that 3-5 miles southeast of tornado producing cloud formations is generally the best location, but that escape routes must also be considered. The SPOTTER HOTLINE was announced as 1-800-597-3320 and encouraged the use of the line to inform the NWS of weather events, stating complete and accurate information as to location, time, date and type of event.

The SKYWARN session, which was held at the Sul Ross-Turner Range Animal Science Building, began at 7:00 PM and ended shortly before 9:00 PM. Area sessions were also scheduled for Monday, April 17 in Marfa and Wednesday, April 26 in Fort Davis.
Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of January 10, 2017

Minutes of Meeting

January 10, 2017

The meeting was attended by 13 members and guests:

KA5PVB Chuck   Alpine
W5NPR  Bill    Alpine
N5NYM  Allen   Alpine
KE5WCP Stephen Fort Davis
N5MVV  Angie   Fort Davis
KB5R   Rusty   Alpine
KG7KQP Tom     Alpine
K5AHI  Bob     Alpine
KF5KMB Polly   Alpine
KE5OG  Bill    Alpine
KD5KBU Jim     Fort Davis
KG5LMG Marvin  Fort Davis
KF5QFC Steve   Terlingua

The meeting was called to order by Allen N5NYM at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the December 13, 2016 meeting were read and approved after a motion by Chuck KA5PVB and second by Rusty KB5R.

Angie N5MVV presented the Treasurer’s Report with an end of month balance of $3964.12

It was reported that 146.72 was operating intermittently. A cracked solder joint on the final transmitter was found and repaired. Also, Cibolo 147.12 repeater was down, and a remotely operated recycle was not possible, with upgrade of program needed.

It was reported that the Elephant Mountain 147.02 repeater was experiencing problems due to the two antennas being placed too close together, with the need of installation separation.

It was reported that the new batteries for 146.62 had not been installed.

The Ultra Run at Big Bend State Park was discussed, with a request for as many volunteers as possible to man the communication points along the race route.

It was announced that the February meeting would not occur due to the BBARC banquet being scheduled on February 8th and Sky Warn Training being scheduled for February 21st at Sul Ross University at the Animal Science Building east of Alpine.

It was discussed that the Midland Ham Fest and West Texas Section convention would be held in Midland on March 18h.

It was reported that a group of hams and friends from Fayettville would be hiking in the Big Bend National Park during the period from January 14th through January 21st. Local hams were asked to monitor 2-meter frequencies in case of emergencies.

The program was presented by Bill KE5OG on Ham Logging Software. He discussed the need to keep accurate logs of radio contacts, various logging programs available for contests, awards and certificates, etc. He discussed the programs abilities to interface with modern radios with multiple modes, SSB, CW, Digital etc. The program presented useful information and was well received.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of December 13, 2016

The meeting was attended by 18 members and guests:

KA5PVB Chuck   Alpine
WA5ROE Bob     Alpine
W5NPR  Bill    Alpine
N5NYM  Allen   Alpine
KE5WCP Stephen Fort Davis
N5MVV  Angie   Fort Davis
KB5R   Rusty   Alpine
KG7KQP Tom     Alpine
K5AHI  Bob     Alpine
KF5KMB Polly   Alpine
KG5BMK Chuck   Terlingua
W5JUW  Lora    Alpine
W5DWI  Dick    Alpine
KX5SP  Steve   Alpine
K1RAB  Richard Marathon
KE5OG  Bill    Alpine
KG5OJV Nancy   Terlingua
N5JOE  Jim     Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Chuck KA5PVB at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the November 8, 2016 meeting were read and approved after a motion by Rusty KB5R and second by Allen N5NYM.

Angie N5MVV presented the Treasurer’s Report with an end of month balance of $4201.58.

It was reported that the batteries purchased for 146.82 had not yet been installed. It was discussed that an attempt was being made to arrange for a helicopter to deliver the batteries to Christmas Mountain, and at the same time, coordinate with the Terlingua Medics to make battery changes as well. It was also discussed that new batteries for Christmas Mountain, that are lighter and easier to handle, should be purchased and to save batteries already in hand for an easier site. Allen N5NYM moved to spend up to $600.00 on batteries, second by Rusty KB5R. Motion passed.

It was reported that the duplexer on Elephant Mountain had been repaired and reinstalled. It was discussed that the two antennas on Elephant Mountain were too close togather and should be separated.

It was reported that the Santa Net went well, although cold weather may have limited participation. Approximately 12 children talked with Santa via 2-meter radio.

The Nominating Committee presented the following list of officer nominees: President Allen N5NYM; Vice-Pesident Bill KE5OG; Treasure Angie N5NVV; and Secretary Bill W5NPR. No other nominations were presented and the nominees were elected after a motion by Rusty KB5R and a second by Dick W5DWI.

The program was the annual silent auction of surplus radio equipment, books, baked goods and miscellaneous items.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of November 8, 2016

The meeting was attended by 10 members and guests:

WA5ROE Bob     Alpine
W5NPR  Bill    Alpine
N5NYM  Allen   Alpine
KD5KBU Jim     Fort Davis
KE5WCP Stephen Fort Davis
N5MVV  Angie   Fort Davis
KB5R   Rusty   Alpine
KA5PVB Chuck   Alpine
KG7KQP Tom     Alpine
KE5KNQ Rob     Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Chuck KA5PVB at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the October 11, 2016 meeting were read and approved after a motion by Rusty KB5R and second by Allen N5NYM.

Angie N5MVV presented the Treasurer’s Report, with an end of month balance of $3377.04.

It was reported that the batteries purchased for 146.82 had not yet been installed. It was also discussed that the Elephant Mountain 147.02 repeater was down with repairs or replacement needed on the duplexers.

It was reported that the trailer belonging to BBARC had been sold for $350.00.

Bob WA5ROE discussed BBARC communication support in the local search for ZuZu Verk missing Sul Ross student.

Chuck KA5PVB appointed a nominating committee of Bill KE5OG, Rusty KB5R and Jim KD5KBU. The committee was asked to have a slate of officer nominations for the December meeting.

The K5PSA hospital and EOC net was discussed and Chuck KA5PVB suggested cross training of operators who participate in that net, with operators rotating from the hospital to the Alpine Police Station to the EOC for that purpose.

Rob KE5KNQ reported that the Santa Net would be held on Thursday December 8th, with the BBARC Communication RV parked in front of True Value. The net would start at 5:00 PM, with Bill KE5OG serving as Santa Clause. Volunteers were needed to help children make contact with Santa by radio.

It was discussed that the December meeting, in addition to election of officers, would also feature the annual silent auction of surplus radio equipment, books, baked goods and miscellaneous sale items. All proceeds from the auction would go to the BBARC.

There was no program scheduled, as the BBARC meeting coincided with General Election, and all members were encouraged to monitor election returns.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of October 11, 2016

The meeting was attended by 15 members and guests:

WA5ROE Bob     Alpine
W5NPR  Bill    Alpine
N5NYM  Allen   Alpine
KD5KBU Jim     Fort Davis
KX5SP  Steve   Alpine
KE5OG  Bill    Alpine
KE5WCP Stephen Fort Davis
KG5LMG Marvin  Fort Davis
W5RHN  Bob     Fort Davis
K5FRN  Fran    Fort Davis
N5PVL  Charles Alpine
N5MVV  Angie   Fort Davis
KB5R   Rusty   Alpine
KA5AHI Bob     Alpine
KF5KMB Polly   Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Allen N5NYM at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the September 13, 2016 meeting were read and approved after a motion by Jim KD5KBU and second by Steve KX5SP.

Angie N5MVV presented the Treasurer’s Report, with an end of month balance of $2987.50. The Treasurer’s Report was accepted after a motion by Rusty KB5R and a second by Bob WA5ROE.

Old Business:
It was reported that the batteries purchased for 146.82 had not yet been installed. It was also discussed that the Elephant Mountain 147.02 repeater needed additional repairs, but weather had prevented planned repair trips.

The trailer belonging to BBARC which had been advertised for sale on the BBARC, was re-advertised on KVLF.

It was reported that ECHO LINK was up and running, although it might not be setup in its permanent operating location. Allen N5NYM reported that DEFAULT codes had been amended to work with the BBARC system. Bob WA5ROE reported that ECHO LINK checkins had occurred on the BBEN. The club as a whole extended appreciation to Allen N5NYM for efforts to get the system up and working.

Jim KD5KBU reported that CycleFest had gone well. He reported that approximately 400 had participated, although 11 had rode to Alpine rather than following the Davis Mountain Loop route and 2 had been temporarily lost, but later found.

New Business:

Bill KE5OG presented the program on DX operations. He stated that communicating with foreign stations was the autonomy of ham radio. He presented recorded conversations of himself while communicating with operators in Brazil, Spain and Namibia. He discussed exchanges of QSL cards, computer log books, radio and antenna requirements, and ham radio bands. He discussed the operating conditions on ham radio bands, stating that 10 meters was rairly favorable; 12 meters cound be good with favorable propagation; 15 meters was a good DX band; 17 meters where the best conditions are now; 20 meters up and down from 14,195 was the money band; 30 meters was a very narrow band; 40 meters was a good night band; and 80 meters, only good at night. He stated that RTTY could also be used, but that special software was required. He recommended subsribing and reading DX bullitins. He stated that he was very, very close to qualifying for the “worked all countries” award.

It was a well presented and well received program.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary

Meeting of September 13, 2016

The meeting was attended by 15 members and guests:

WA5ROE Bob     Alpine
W5NPR  Bill    Alpine
KA5PVB Chuck   Alpine
N5NYM  Allen   Alpine
KD5KBU Jim     Fort Davis
KX5SP  Steve   Alpine
KE5OG  Bill    Alpine
KE5WCP Stephen Fort Davis
KG5LMG Marvin  Fort Davis
KE5KNQ Rob     Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Chuck KA5PVB at 7:30 PM.

The minutes of the August 9, 2016 meeting were read and approved after a motion by Allen N5NYM and second by Jim KD5KBU.

Angie N5MVV was not present and no Treasurer’s Report was presented.

Old Business:
It was reported that the batteries purchased for 146.82 had not yet been installed. It was also discussed that the Glass Mountain 146.92 repeater was now linked into the system.

The trailer belonging to BBARC had been moved into Alpine from Barb KM5VM residence, was being stored at the True Value yard, and had been advertised for sale on Facebook. It was suggested that the trailer be advertised by other means, as it was unlikely that potential buyers outside of the ham radio community would see the Facebook ad.

New Business:
Jim KD5KBU reported that CycleFest was scheduled for September 17-18, the upcoming weekend. This is a round the scenic loop event scheduled for Saturday, with a hill climb from Fort Davis to McDonald’s observatory on Sunday. Volunteers were needed, with the most help needed on Saturday. Volunteers were asked to meet at 7:00 AM at the old Murhy’s parking lot on Saturday morning. Meeting time for Sunday morning would be announced.

A letter from Rick Roderick K5UR, President of the ARRL, was distributed, requested that all ARRL members contact their United States Senators requesting that they vote for the bill concerning Ham Radio Antenna Parity. The bill would provide ham radio operators the right to construct antennas in subdivisions were antennas are now restricted. The House of Represenatives version of the bill had passed, and passage by the Senate was the last step before becoming being signed into law.

Allen N5NYM presented the program on the proposed ECHO LINK system to be insalled and added to the BBARC repeater system. All hardware equipment would be installed at True Value. Allen reported that ECHO LINK has been programmed and tested without going through a computer. Parts had been ordered to allow a radio to communicate with a computer, thus providing an option to the phone patch system. Final installation should be upcoming prior to the October business meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary