Minutes of Meeting
April 11, 2017
The meeting was attended by 16 members and guests:
KA5PVB Chuck Alpine W5NPR Bill Alpine N5NYM Allen Alpine KB5R Rusty Alpine KE5OG Bill Alpine KD5KBU Jim Fort Davis KG5LMG Marvin Fort Davis K5WSA Bill Fort Davis Judi Fort Davis WA5ROE Bob Alpine KX5SP Steve Alpine W5DWI Dick Alpine W5JUW Lora Alpine N5JOE Jim Alpine KE5KNQ Rob Alpine N5MVV Angie Fort Davis
The meeting was called to order by Allen N5NYM at 7:30 PM.
The minutes of the March 14, 2017 meeting were read and approved after a motion by Rusty KB5R and second by Chuck KA5PVB.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Angie N5MVV, with an end of month balance of $3998.07. The report was approved after a motion by Rusty KB5R and second by Chuck KA5PVB.
Jim KD5KBU reported on the Hammerfest Bicycle event held in Fort Davis on April 1st and 2nd. He reported good weather and no injuries on Saturday. Sunday started with reasonable weather, then turned to rain, then sleet and eventually snow. The event was cancelled before completion of the Men’s Scenic Loop race around 10-11:00 am, however the shorter Junior and Women’s events were completed. A donation for the BBARC of $475.00 was received.
Old Business:
Allen N5NYM reported that the Elephant Mountain 147.02 repeater was still disabled due to interference problem. A future trip was planned to increase separation of the two antennas. It was noted that 448.00 was still operative and an alternative. Batteries for the 146.82 Christmas Mountain repeater have not been installed .
It was reported that the Texas Star Party was scheduled for May 23rd from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. A RSVP list was passed around. Those attending from BBARC need to attend as a group.
It was discussed that an attempt to empty the storage unit was underway with anticipation that it be completed before field day.
Chuck KA5PVB circulated a list of field day merchandise, and took orders for that merchandise.
It is possible that DX Engineering will present the program for the May meeting, and if so, the meeting will be held at the Range Animal Science Building.
Bob WA5ROE presented the program on Emergency Communications. He discussed ARES, stating that there are ARES training courses that although not required, are recommended. He specified that should an emergency occur, family and neighbors of ham operators should come first. He discussed the appointed ARES positions, which are the Section Manager, Section Emergency Coordinator, the District Emergency Coordinator, and the Emergency Coordinators for each county. He passed around the BBARC Calling Tree for updates and ARES enrollment forms for updates/new members, as well as the ARES Emergency Plan for the Big Bend of West Texas..
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.
Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary