Meeting of June 10, 2014

The meeting was attended by 11 members:

NW5M   Mike     Fort Davis
N5PVL  Charles  Alpine
KB5R   Rusty    Alpine
KF5RDN Julianne Terlingua
WA5ROE Bob      Alpine
W5NPR  Bill     Alpine
KG5BMK Chuck    Terlingua
KG5CGR Cathy    Terlingua
KM5VM  Barb     Alpine
N5MVV  Angie    Fort Davis
K5AHI  Bob      Alpine

The meeting was called to order by Rusty KB5R at 7:30 PM.

Minutes of May 13, 2014 meeting were read and approved.

Angie N5MVV presented the Treasurer’s Report and reported an end of month balance of $4,729.53 It was discussed that Steve KE5SXT Monahans had made a donation of 100.00, and that the electricity bill of $55.19 for service to Elephant Mountain repeater was due. It is anticipated that Brewster County will assume this payment in the future.

Barb KM5VM reported that the Double Diamond Pavilian would be open for Field Day cleanup on Tuesday June 24th by 10:00 PM.

It was discussed that the payment for Liability Insurance would be discounted if early and that the discounted payment would be $200.00 and was approved by general consent.

During general Field Day discussion, which is scheduled for June 28th-29th, it was reported that the fee for meals would be $30/person or $45 per couple. All participants were asked to bring a 12 pack of their favorite drink to be included in the common drink supply. It was discussed that a wireless logging network would be used that would allow both the CW and SSB stations to enter contacts to the same log. Not included would be the GOTA and 6-meter stations which would require individual logs for each station. The Field Day antennas and antenna trailer were discussed, as was the Field Day point system. It was reported that a VE Test Session would be held at 10:00 AM Saturday morning and that it would be the final opportunity to test from the current exam test pool, as a new pool would take effect on July 1st.
It was discussed that it would be advantageous to equip the South County Emergency Building in Terlingua with K4PSA Hospital Net equipment, and that there is an ample number of hams in the South County area to man the equipment on the First Tuesday K5PSA Net. It was agreed to look into this possibility through Jim KK5MV, Net Control.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Bill W5NPR, Secretary