The meeting was attended by 14 members and guests:
WA5ROE Bob Alpine W5NPR Bill Alpine KA5PVB Chuck Alpine KE5KNQ Rob Alpine KB5R Rusty Alpine N5MVV Angie Fort Davis W4PBD Jim Alpine W5JSR Steve Alpine KK5ROB Robin Alpine W5DWI Dick Alpine W5JUW Lora Alpine KM5VM Barb Alpine KE5OG Bill Alpine K5AHI Bill Alpine
The meeting was called to order by Bill KE5OG at 7:30 PM.
The minutes of the May 12, 2015, meeting were read and approved with a correction.
Angie N5MVV presented an end of month balance of $5,054.40.
Angie N5MVV handed out a list prepared by Doug N5HYD of equipment needed to install ECHOLINK into the system. Cost of the equipment would be $512.83. It would provide the ability to shut down ECHOLINK should problems occur, or operator interference occurred during an emergency when repeater system was in use. Also a location for the equipment needs to be found where there is dependable access to 147.02 on Elephant Mountain.
Program was devoted to the upcoming ARRL Field Day on June 27th and 28th. Items discussed were the antenna installations required, operating equipment to be used, a printout of ARRL rules prepared by Bill KE5OG., maintenance to the pavillion accomplished earlier in the month, and maintenance still required. It was announced that the Bob Ward family had donated a used cook range to replace the one in use for many years, which was down to only one working burner, and no oven. Bob WA5ROE reported that individuals planning to partake in all meals would be charged $30.00, plus an additional $15.00 for spouses, and $10.00 for individual meals. Those participating were asked to bring a 12 pack of water, soft drinks or their choice of 807’s. It was emphasized that considerable preparation was needed, and as much help as possible was needed. It was discussed that due to rule changes, a portion of the setup process was allowed to begin on Thursday evening, and the remainder on Friday.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Bill W5NPR, Secretary