The meeting was attended by 13 members:
WA5ROE Bob Alpine W5NPR Bill Alpine N5DO Dave Alpine KA5PVB Chuck Alpine KE5KNQ Rob Alpine KB5R Rusty Alpine WA5MHO Dean Alpine KG5BMK Chuck Terlingua KD5KBU Jim Fort Davis N5MVV Angie Fort Davis NF5FF Steve Alpine KF5RDN Julianne Terlingua KE5IYO Keith Alpine
The meeting was called to order by Chuck KA5PVB at 7:30 PM. It was discussed that Bill KE5OG, BBARC President, was in Corpus Christi following the stoke and critical illness of his brother, and unable to attend the meeting. The prayers of everyone was extended to Bill and his family.
The minutes of the January 13, 2015 meeting were read and approved.
Angie N5MVV presented an end of month balance of $5.925.88 and presented a bill from Big Bend Telephone for $29.92.
Dave N5DO circulated a sign-up sheet for attendance at the BBARC Annual Banquet, scheduled for February 13th at the Gallego Center at Sul Ross. Drinks would be served at 6:30 PM and the meal to be served at 7:00 PM. The program planned was Hollywood and Amateur Radio, with excerpts from movies over the years which featured Ham Radio.
Dave N5DO reported that a technician class course was underway and that testing would occur on February 26th.
Jim KD5KBU reported that Hammerfest Bicycle event would occur on Saturday March 28 and Sunday March 29, with the hill climb to begin at 8:00 AM on Saturday and the Loop Ride to begin at 8:00 AM on Sunday. Those involved in communication support were asked to meet at the Murphy’s parking lot at 7:00 AM each morning
Bill W5NPR requested that Jonathon Baize be scheduled to present a program on his design of water level monitoring on ranch storage tanks by remote control, using an Iphone. Dave N5DO suggested the May 12th BBARC meeting. Bill advised that he would contact Jonathon and advise him that his presentation had been scheduled.
Bob WA5ROE reported that damage to the antennas at the EOC and Alpine PD had occurred and that replacement was necessary. Rusty KB5R moved to authorize up to $75.00 for replacement, Julianne seconded, motion approved.
Bob WA5ROE gave a reminder that SKYWARN would be presented on March 10th at the Warnock Science Building at Sul Ross, room 201. It was discussed that this meeting would replace the regular meeting of BBARC.
Dave N5DO gave the program on the possibility of adding ECHOLINK to the BBARC Repeater System. Amateur operators in El Paso had made the suggestion to enable BBARC and El Paso Clubs to link together during emergencies. It was discussed that some benefits would be realized, but that also there were problems that would be created that would have to be worked out. Study of adding ECHOLINK would continue.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Bill W5NPR, Secretary