The meeting was attended by 16 members and guests:
WA5ROE Bob Alpine W5NPR Bill Alpine KB5R Rusty Alpine KE5KNQ Rob Alpine N5DO Dave Alpine N5NYM Allen Alpine KE5OG Bill Alpine KF5LZT Ted Alpine W5DWI Dick Alpine W5JUW Lora Alpine KA5PVB Chuck Alpine N5MVV Angie Fort Davis K5AHI Bob Alpine WA5MHO Dean Alpine NF5FF Steve Alpine KW4FA Burt Greenville, SC
The meeting was called to order by Bill KE5OG at 7:30 PM.
The minutes of the October 13, 2015 meeting were read and approved.
Angie N5MVV presented the Financial Report, reporting a balance of $3474.93.
Old Business:
It was reported that the 146.72 Repeater was rebuilt and ready to install on Pierce Mountain. The 145.23 Emergency Repeater had been activated at or near the location to be selected for the 146.72 Repeater, which was being moved from its longtime Twin Sisters location. The 145.23 Emergency Repeater had performed well and had provided an accurate preview of the areas to be covered from the location, as well as those areas with less or no coverage as compared to the previous Twin Sister location. It was discussed that though Marfa will experience less coverage, it will be covered adequately from the 146.62 McDonald Observatory location. Some gaps in coverage would be expected around Paisano Pass. Rusty KB5R offered an antenna for the new location if needed. He stated that the antenna is not in use and available for BBARC use.
New Business:
Bill KE5OG appointed Dave N5DO, Bob WA5ROE and Bill W5NPR to the Nominating Committee for officers of the BBARC for 2016. He asked the committee to meet prior to the December meeting with nominations in place, as the election would occur at that meeting. It was emphasized that in addition to those nominated by the committee, nominations from the floor were in order.
It was discussed that Cary KF5ZBW, Physics and Earth Science Instructor at Wink High School, and sponsor of the student efforts to launch a balloon with on board amateur radio equipment during the spring semester of 2016, is requesting financial support from area Amateur Radio Clubs for that project. Previous balloon launches have successfully occurred in 2014 and 2015. Support of the Wink High School balloon launch is favored by BBARC and discussion on the amount of the contribution will continue.
Rob KE5KNQ reminded the club that the time for the annual Santa Claus Net was fast approaching. The dates of December 3rd and December 17th were discussed. Dean WA5MHO volunteered to be Santa, but stated that he would would be out of town on December 3rd, but December 17th would work for him. The club commuication RV would be parked at True Value on that Thursday night and that in addition to Santa, a minimum of two elves would be needed.
It was discussed that the Marathon to Marathon event had been successfully conducted with Bill W5ATO, Dick W5DWI and Lora W5JUW providing communication support. Dick W5DWI reported that although no major medical emergencies occurred, heavy fog and highway traffic along with marathon runners on the Marathon-Fort Stockton highway provided tense moments early on race day.
The program consisted of discussion by several members on difficulties experienced on various amateur radio projects. Dave N5DO discussed difficulties over the years with amplifier equipment, with the solution finally realized with his Elecraft equipment. Dean WA5MHO dicussed problems programming his recently acquired TYT-9000-D radio. Rusty KB5R discussed problems erecting an antenna tower, and installation of the antenna on that tower. Others provided discussion and suggestions on the on-going problems.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.
Bill Roberts W5NPR, Secretary